On Monday I had the first part of my Christmas present to myself. My friend Nicole became a Certified Pilates Instructor last year. I took lots of other pilates classes with her when she was going through her certification. I was really nervous to start again since I've been neglecting my core so well during marathon training. However, I had really enjoyed pilates when I did it before, so I'm starting up again. For now, I'm doing 5 classes, but I have a sneaking suspicion that will turn into more!
When I got there and Nicole asked if there was anything specific I wanted to work on, I just laughed and said my stomach since it hasn't been doing much work. I figured that it wouldn't be a problem. I mean, after only like three or four exercises, I was already shaking. It was really nice to be back and I'm glad that I signed up for classes with Nicole. Having one-on-one attention is nice so that she can make sure I'm keeping my form up while doing all the exercises!
Tuesday Laura and I had made plans to meet in the morning before work, except that it didn't work out and we ended up not meeting. So, I headed to the gym after work instead. I started coming down with a bit of a cold and I knew that it probably wasn't going to be my best effort ever. Plus, the small gym by our house was pretty much jam-packed.
I got the very last treadmill available and the whole time I was running there was a bit of a line forming, so I felt like I really had to adhere to the 30-minute time limit that our gym has. So, I ran three miles in just over 30 minutes and called that good. I followed it up with 15 minutes on the stair mill, something I haven't done in a while. Boy oh boy, did I forget how sweaty that machine is!
After all that, I spent a lot of time stretching. I know that I need to be doing this every time and there's no time like the present to start. My legs were a little tired from pilates on Monday and some of the stretches that Nicole had me do then, so I figured that more stretching was probably a good thing.
Today I'm taking a rest day. From work and working out. I woke up feeling even more congested and with a sorer throat than earlier this week, so I knew that if I wanted to feel better sooner, resting would be the best thing for me. I'm flying for the next three weekend and that never helps me feel any better, so I thought this would be the best opportunity. I've been planted on the couch sleeping and drinking lots of fluids and taking lots of Vitamin-C to try to nip this cold in the bud!
Time: 31:27
Distance: 3.00 miles
Pace: 10:28/mile
Stair Mill
Time: 15:00
Distance: 1.25 miles
Pace: 12:00/mile
NICE Week of Training Last Week!
15 hours ago
Take it from me; rest and take care of that cold! I tried pushing myself through it and it ended up being way worse that it probably should have been.